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Psychedelic Art’s Infamous History

Not many decades have been able to produce a visual style that is as remarkable as the psychedelic art from the 1960s. Just taking a look at the eye-catching and iconic psych gig poster or album cover, you immediately get transcended to San Francisco’s “Summer of Love”. Although psychedelia was inspired by past forms like Pop Art, Surrealism, and Art Nouveau, its high-octane colors as well as the otherworldly aesthetic pushed the mind to new territories. This was partly because the country was going through some pretty uncharted territory around that period as well. America was changing, with over sixty million babies born in the optimistic period between 1945 and 1957 just after the war.

This created an incredible economic boom, as most of these babies had become adults by the mid-1960s. However, America then fell into a pretty controversial war that would end up claiming thousands of Americans’ lives with very little benefit to show. Conflicts started to brew with women’s liberation, civil rights movements, as well as the sexual revolution heating up. There were also fears about emotional awareness because of the nuclear weapons in possession of the country. A lot of stuff was happening, and unfortunately, they couldn’t buy shrooms online from Canada Mushrooms to ease the tension. With the safety of the future hanging in the balance and the world becoming more and more complicated, Baby Boomers turned their faces away from complete capitalism and pursuing material gains, to wholeheartedly dedicating themselves to conservatism.

They started to borrow from Eastern religion and chose aspects of meditation and mysticism. They began to pursue spiritual values over tangible ones, embracing love, happiness, and psychedelic drugs like peyote, LSD, and psilocybin. The artists, writers, and musicians that led the way are the pioneers that now give you the chance to buy shrooms Canada from the number one shrooms dispensary in the country. The ever-increasing list of psychedelic drugs aligned perfectly with the movement of that era. 

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Humphry Osmond, who is a psychiatrist and a pioneer in the study of the effects of hallucinogens on the brain put together the Latin words for “awaken” and “mind” in 1958 to create the term “psychedelic”. As laboratories across the country started to produce LSD and magic mushrooms became more popular and available, all kinds of creatives started to dose on these substances to boost their inspiration. You could also use a boost with the awesome products at Canada Mushrooms. All you need to do is click the link and buy shrooms Canada. For the creatives, they experienced loosened states of consciousness, resulting in more fluid music, literature, and art.

Alex Gray, who is a contemporary artist and one of the most widely known modern psych artists, uses details of human anatomy to describe the effects of his psychedelic journeys. The works he produces are simply amazing, with intricate and hypnotic portraits. These artists are also helped by modern computers to produce even more boundary-breaking psychedelia, creating designs and patterns that are too complicated for the human mind alone to concoct. Psychedelia is back and it is evolving, and we for sure can not wait to see where it gets to. You can get your top-quality magic mushrooms from Canada Mushrooms. They sell only 100% organic psilocybe cubensis, with their menu including whole mushrooms, microdose capsules, and many other great psilocybin products. They have over fifteen years of experience in growing magic mushrooms so you are guaranteed the best quality. When you buy shrooms Canada from their website, you can get a 15% discount on any order above $150 using the promo code WELCOME2022.

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